abolition of the han system 뜻
- 폐번치현
- abolition: noun, 폐지, 노예
- han: noun, (중국의)한조, 한민족
- han system: 번 (행정 구역)
- system: noun, 조직, 체계, 계통, 학설, 제도,
- abolition: noun, 폐지, 노예 폐지(~ism)(노예)폐지론, ~ist(노예)페지론자)
- abolition of monarchy: 폐지된 군주제
- the abolition of man: 인간폐지
- abolition of forced labour convention: 강제노동 폐지 협약
- international day for the abolition of slavery: 국제 노예제 철폐의 날
- policy for merger and abolition of the press: 언론통폐합
- prison abolition movement: 감옥 폐지 운동
- han han: 한한 (1982년생 작가)
- system: noun, 조직, 체계, 계통, 학설, 제도, 방식, 방법, 순서, 계, 우주
- han xian (han dynasty): 한섬 (삼국지)
- han yin (han dynasty): 한윤 (후한)
기타 단어
- "abolished taxes" 뜻
- "abolishment" 뜻
- "abolition" 뜻
- "abolition of forced labour convention" 뜻
- "abolition of monarchy" 뜻
- "abolitionism" 뜻
- "abolitionism (animal rights)" 뜻
- "abolitionist" 뜻
- "abolitionists" 뜻
- "abolition of forced labour convention" 뜻
- "abolition of monarchy" 뜻
- "abolitionism" 뜻
- "abolitionism (animal rights)" 뜻